27 Dec Some Highlights in 2022
2022 was a big year for me!
I was invited to participate in a few Group Shows in rural NSW, I was offered and Artist’s Residency plus a Solo Exhibition at the New England Regional Gallery (NERAM) in Armidale!
In August I was elevated to Fellow status of Australian Society of Marine Artists (FASMA). This is a huge honour as the existing Fellows unanimously agreed that I should join the clan, and they are the finest marine artists in the country, and internationally!
I rarely enter prizes but this year I did enter the Paddington Art Prize. And I made the grade as a finalist!
That in itself was so exciting! Then I found I received the Highly Commended Award!!
The 2022 judges were: Archibald winning artist Dhungatti man Blak Douglas, Dr Grant Stevens of UNSW Art & Design and Jane Devery, Senior Curator of exhibitions MCA Australia.
The Paddington Art Prize is a $30,000 National acquisitive prize, awarded annually for a painting inspired by the Australian landscape. Established in 2004 by Arts Patron, Marlene Antico OAM, this National prize takes its place among the country’s most lucrative and highly coveted painting prizes. The prize encourages the interpretation of the landscape as a significant contemporary genre, its long tradition in Australian painting as a key contributor to our national ethos, and is a positive initiative in private patronage of the arts in Australia. The exhibition was held at Defiance Gallery in Sydney’s Paddington.
So, the Year of The Tiger was a very good one!